To tatou Hapori
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Keysborough Gardens
Ko te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Keysborough Gardens e noho pono ana ki te whakarato i tetahi taiao haumaru, tautoko me te whakauru mo nga akonga katoa, nga kaimahi me nga mema o to tatou hapori.
E mohio ana to tatou kura ki te hiranga o te mahi tahi i waenganui i to tatou kura me nga matua me nga kaitiaki ki te tautoko i te ako a nga akonga, te whai waahi me te oranga.
He here taatau ki te hanga i tetahi taiao kura whakauru me te haumaru mo a tatou akonga.


Wāhanga 1

Wāhanga 2

Wāhanga 3

Wāhanga 4

He aha kei runga
Term 1
30 January (Prep 31January) - 4 April
Term 2
22 April - 4 July
Term 3
21 July - 19 September
Term 4
6 October - 18 December
He aha kei runga
9.00am - 3.30pm
9.00am - 3.30pm
8.45am - 3.00pm
9.00am - 3.30pm
9.00am - 3.30pm
He aha kei runga

At Keysborough Gardens Primary every member of our community is accepted and invited to make a contribution to our vibrant school community. We believe that parents have an important role to play in their child’s education and can help with learning both at home and at school.
School Events
We regularly hold special events to build community connections and provide families with opportunities to see and participate in their child's academic journey. These events include:
Welcome Picnic
Mother’s Day
Father’s Day
Book Week
Information Evenings
Get to Know You meetings at the start of every year
Student Led Conferences
Student Expos held throughout the year
School productions & concerts
There are also many others that arise based on what is happening globally, nationally and in our community, as well as events that are a result of students inspired into taking action.
Become part of our
PYP Community of Experts

Parents and community members can make learning engaging and more exciting by becoming a Community Expert.
Community Experts share with students their knowledge and skills related to their hobbies, work, roles, personal stories or culture.
When interested participants join, we collect the areas of expertise they are able to share and display it on our 'Community Experts Wall'. When planning for PYP Units of Inquiry, teachers may contact experts relevant to the learning to visit for a small presentation, visit to be interviewed by students, answer student questions via email or any other format suitable to the learning.
Other ways to help

Fundraising and Social Events

School Excursions

Classroom Activities
(Sport, Maths groups, Reading groups etc)

Supporting School Events
(Athletics, Inter-school Sport, Cross Country, PMP, camps etc)

Working Bees and Resources
(covering books for the library etc)

Join School Council
... and much more!

Volunteer Requirements
Share a copy of your current Working With Children Check* with us
The card is free for volunteers
Read the 'Child Safety Volunteers Induction Pack'**
Sign the form and return it to the school
Keep an eye on our communication through Compass to hear about opportunities to assist in the classroom and school community
KGPS is committed to Child Safety.
*The 'Working With Children Check' is a requirement for all volunteers and onsite contractors.
**The Department of Education have made changes to the 'ChildSafe Standards'. It is now a requirement that any volunteer assisting with excursions, incursions, sports days or other school-based activities has read the important induction documents prior to volunteering.

Kaunihera Kura
Ko te Kaunihera o te Kura he roopu mangai e kawe ana ki te whakawhanake me te whakatinana i nga kaupapa here a te kura.
Ko te Kaunihera o te Kura ko nga Maatua, nga Kaiako, te Tumuaki me nga Mangai Hapori.
Ka tohua e nga Kaikaunihera Kura me nga mema o te hapori kura mo nga momo komiti iti, ka whakahoki ano ki te kaunihera.
Ko nga komiti iti ko te Whare me te Papa, te Matauranga, te Putea me te Kohi Putea me te Whakawhanaunga Hapori.
E rua tau te tuunga o nga Kaikaunihera Kura, me nga pootitanga i ia Hui-tanguru/Maehe. Hui ai te Kaunihera Kura me ia komiti iti ia marama.
He pai te noho hei mema mo te kaunihera kura, a, e akiakihia ana nga matua katoa ki te whai whakaaro ki te whakaingoa mo nga waahi.

He korero na te Tumuaki Kaunihera o te Kura
Mo te Kaunihera o te Kura o Keysborough Gardens Primary School, e hiahia ana ahau ki te tuku mihi maioha ki nga whanau katoa kei te heke mai me nga whanau o naianei.
I te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Keysborough Gardens, e aratakina ana matou, e kaha ana ki te noho i runga i o matou uaratanga matua o te Ataahua, Te Manaakitanga, te Whakawhetai, te Whakaute me te Kairangi i roto i o maatau oranga o ia ra, puta noa i nga ahuatanga katoa o te hapori kura.
Ko te aronga matua o te kaunihera kura ko te whakakaha ake i nga whai waahi matauranga o a tatou tauira me te whakarite kia noho te whakaaro tuatahi mo nga whakatau ka mahia hei painga mo a tatou tauira.
Aroha ana matou ki te kite i o matou whanau e uru mai ana. Kei te mihi atu ki a koe me nga whanau katoa kei te heke mai kia kaha ki te whai waahi ahakoa te nui, te iti ranei o to wahanga, he maha nga huarahi ka uru koe ki roto i to taatau hapori kura.
Hei tauira, te whakauru ki nga roopu, te awhina ranei i nga waahi penei:
Kaunihera Kura
Nga Komiti iti
Nga huihuinga hapori me te kohi moni
Ka awhina nga hakinakina me nga huihuinga motuhake
Te awhina i roto i nga karaehe - te panui i nga mahi nekeneke whakaaro, nga haerenga me nga whakaeke
Tohutohu rorohiko me te hangarau
Te whakangungu a te kapa hakinakina
Tautokonga o nga tauira ranei
Nga pi mahi.
Kei te tumanako matou ki te maha o nga tau harikoa me te whai hua ki te taha o to whanau me te whakapono ka noho pai te wa e noho ana hei wahanga o to tatou hapori kura.
Tena koutou
Sharna Woods
Te Tumuaki Kaunihera Kura